Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Next Step

My first week at "The Real HU" was very exciting. To be so honest, it was a big culture shock for me. I had never been around so many young black people that had goals that they had set for themselves and are here to reach that goal. Being around a positive environment such as this makes you want to achieve more for yourself, it motivates you. my old high school was not like that, but it is something I can get used to. Everyone here is so helpful and nice, it makes you feel so comfortable going up to someone and asking them for directions or something of that nature. My class that I like the most so far is my Intro to Political Science class with Dr. Harris. It is the only class that I'm taking for my major this semester and it is very interesting. I hope that it will further inform me of the field I plan to go into.

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