Sunday, August 28, 2011

H.U First Experience

Upon my arrival here, I expected the first week as a Howard University student would be the beginning of an experience which would surpass that of any one’s imagination. What I quickly came to realize, is for the next year, Howard would be an array of opportunity, motivation, enthusiasm, and knowledge. Freshmen week may have been a little overrated but all in all it was a time worth experiencing. I met a range of diverse people, got plenty of good food, attended various informational sessions and enjoyed many of the festivities.

After my first Freshmen Seminar, I was still uncertain as to what the class would offer my fellow classmates and I. The session definitely gave us a good overview; however there will be much more to learn about the course and its workload. From what I know so far, I expect Freshmen Seminar will provide us the essential tools needed to facilitate our studies. I also feel the two lectures about Black Diaspora and “Omoluabi: Self Actualization and Communal Responsibility” will be the most interesting.

Now that I have completed my first week of classes, I think college will be beneficial to my ambitions, character and growth. Just in this past week Howard has lived up to my expectations and I hope this will be the onset of a good year.  

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