Sunday, September 18, 2011

Abandonment & Dismemberment

In the past session with Freshman Seminar we met with Dr. Mario Beatty the Associate Professor for Afro-American Studies. Dr. Beatty talked about Abandonment and Dismemberment. Africans became dismembered from Africa when they were sold as slaves to the Americas. The Middle Passage took them overseas and between 1492 and 1776 there were 6.5 million people in the New World. Of those 6.5 million 5/6 were African or of African descent. During this time was also the beginning of the Black Diaspora in America.

Dr. Beatty spoke about abandonment and dismemberment, and about how African culture is still prominent in today’s society. Scholars say Africa has many influences can still be seen through our music, fashion, food, behaviors, values, views, beliefs, and clothing. The lecture emphasized Black Diaspora and self continuity.

As a part of self-continuity, Afro- Americans have created Maroon societies, which are communities created by blacks outside of the master’s property. There are Maroon societies that range throughout South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Louisiana, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama and New Orleans.

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