Sunday, September 25, 2011


  Friday was Howard University’s 144th opening convocation. What is convocation by the way? I don’t even know. Never the less, it is a Howard University tradition that you could not miss out on. There was beautiful music, an inspiring message, and a collegiate atmosphere that made me feel honored to be in the same room as the productive individuals before me.  Before the convocational address was given, we were entertained by Orchestras and processional music, which in my opinion sounded phenomenal. After a few more speakers and music, President Ribeau introduced our convocation orator, Michael L. Lomax. He is President and Chief Executive Officer of the United Negro College Fund. In his convocation address he talked about the importance and the duty, as an alumnus, to donate to the school. Simply because it will help the school to be able to better funds its students. I thought this was a valid point because our school needs help as far as funding is concerned. Dr. Lomax also mentioned African Americans are more of the muscle behind the labor force, rather than the brain power. This statement I believe is true because I have observed this mindset from the experiences of my father and especially my uncle. I thought it quite the coincidence that he should mention something like that. All in all, I thought convocation was a very interesting ceremony. I did love to see all those people in their cap and gowns as well. It just added that extra professionalism to the ceremony.   

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