Sunday, September 25, 2011


What is Convocation? Thats what I remember thinking when I first heard that we had to go to this event that was suppose to be so special. I believe it was important because it was Howard's 144th convocation. I thought it was going to be something like the welcomeing cerermony that we went to during the first week we arrived here at Howard. I really didn't understand why it was mandatory for us to go.
The first thing I thought when I walked into Cramton was that I must of had the wrong building because I had seen all these people up on stage and in the center isle in caps and gowns. It made me feel like I was at a graduation. The president gave his opening speech and the band played a great opening piece. The main speaker and the president on the United Negro College Fund (UNCF), Dr. Lomax, was very compelling to me. I had seen this man before on HBO's The Black List. He then, as he did now, stress the importance of education espeasially for blacks. It reaffirmed what was talked about in the Wednesday lecture about how young people should get an education and use it to help their community. I believe this is true because if you don't use the education you've aquired to do good for those around you then it is totally pointless.    

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