Sunday, September 11, 2011

Human Condition

“There is no one person in the world” (Dr. G) is a statement that seems so logical. Yet, at the same time the declaration describes our relationship as humans, which leads to one of the main points I obtained from Dr. G’s lecture. He came very forward with the overall purpose of the lecture: the Human Condition.

I could only think what is the human condition?

The human condition is the way we socialize; the way we are as people in the world. We as a society have to realize what is relevant in helping the human condition. After leaving the lecture I looked up the word socialize in the New Oxford Dictionary and it stated to make (someone ) behave in a way that is acceptable to their society.

Why we must transform the human condition?

Wrongs of socialization and affects of the human condition include racism, politics, and selfishness. (Dr. G) Thinking about one of the definitions from the New Oxford Dictionary, it made me wonder are these really issues that society finds acceptable. We have to become aware that these subjects are unfitting in society and take the initiative to change them. Dr. G not only stated the research question but he also told us the relevance of the question: the reason we are researching. The relevance of the research question is to seek how scholars have transformed scholarship that have marginalized us (Dr. G).

How do we solve the human condition?

From the lecture I grasped that we as a people must lead in society. We must advance our knowledge, and know the knowledge of the conditions, and understand the relationship to ourselves. In order to remove the wrongs of the human condition we must realize that “There is only one race in the world..and that is the human race” (Dr. G) Everything that we do has to relate to the human stipulation. After knowing the knowledge of the conditions we must become intellectual and gain wisdom. "Wisdom is using the knowledge we gain to serve a process in human relations." (Dr. G) I registered that if we gain wisdom we not only improve the human condition, we improve ourselves. “We become a people of good character that are disciplined, self-improving, and earning respect from peers.” (Dr. G) Our Iwa is what Dr. G called it.

Relating Dr. G’s to Dr. Carr’s lecture is the relationship between Ancient Egypt and Africa. “Scholars have said that Africans have no history”. Yet, before Mohammad, Plato, Socrates, Moses and even Jesus there were Egyptians. There was the Goddess Ma’at, Vizier Ptahhotep, and Pharaoh Rameses the Great.

“Once you leave a place you have created history,” was one statement that left me pondering long after the lecture. The literal denotation that I received was that all you have to do is exist and you would have created history. The connotation I received was that you have to do something in your life to better yourself and the human condition to make history. You can’t just exist on Earth and not want to better it.

My task is to inform my self and not fall victim to ignorance, while going the extra mile to place wisdom into my own personal career goal as a Pediatrician to better the human circumstance.

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