Monday, November 28, 2011


The presentations went well for both my group and the other groups within our section. In my group’s presentation we focused on art and its role in documenting the African American community from the 1900’s until present times. My group was large; therefore, our project embraced many different disciplines. The disciplines we concentrated in were biology, sociology, psychology, politics and the arts. I believe the different majors within our group helped to diversify our overall presentation. From the project and each individual’s contributions I learned a lot about each of the studies. Everyone collaborated well and did their part to ensure the accurateness and creativeness of our PowerPoint.  From my experience with the project and working with the group I learned to appreciate different ideas; and I learned how to incorporate them into one final product.

Seminar Experience

In my opinion, Freshman Seminar was a very eye opening experience for the Class of 2015. Each week the Wednesday class met with influential men and women who have established themselves as the scholars of Howard University. We were also offered many opportunities to attend learning communities and trips that would further teach us, such as the trip to the African burial ground and the Miss Ever’s play. I believe seminar taught everyone to be the best students, people and scholars they could be. I learned a lot about the Black Diaspora and how past blacks have contributed to it and how I, in turn, can make contributions as well. The course was important for the freshmen to take part in. It taught us to respect and know our history, to strive as scholars, and make a difference in our communities.

Presentation Evaluation

In my cohort were group numbers 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15. The Presentation day for all of us was split up into two days. Group 11 and group 12 presented on the 9th. Groups 13, 14 and 15 presented on the 16th. Group 11 went up first and I do not remember what they presented on. After group 11, group 12 went up to present their project. All I remember was that their project was about Michael Jackson and music. Up next was our group, number 13, entitled JUST DO IT! Our research question was How Art has contributed to the Notions of the African-American human condition? I felt as though our group’s presentation went smoothly and everyone did a great job evaluating their slides.  Afterwards, Groups 114 and 15 went up to present. Unfortunately, I do not remember what they presented on either. Even though I don’t remember the content in their presentation, I do know that everyone presented effectively and precisely. No one in our cohort seemed extremely nervous or distraught, and there were no difficulties what so ever.


Freshman Seminar was an interesting approach to teaching Freshman how to find their purpose, how to figure out what to do with their education and how to use education to better the human condition. The best experience for me during Freshman Seminar was visiting the African Burial Grounds. I learned so much about African culture that day. Each lecture in Freshman Seminar class was different and unique. However, they were all connected and presented the same goal: changing the Human condition and bettering oneself. Some presenters had PowerPoints, while others could stand alone. Even though the blogs were tedious, each lecture help me realize a little bit more about myself and my history. Freshman Seminar inspired me to push even farther to my goals and to have my ultimate goal to change the human condition. Freshman seminar taught me to not just gain knowledge, but gain wisdom; do not just make money, change the world. Freshman seminar presented me with skills that I could use in every class I have and will have in the future. I learned the importance of approaching questions from several different fields of study and transforming knowledge. I will not be defined by society; I will define myself in it.


The groups I had to present to and who presented to me intrigued me with their creativity and expertise in the research they presented. At first glance of some group presentations, I thought "what does this have to do with was we were trying to understand in Freshman Seminar." However, they proved me wrong. They engaged every aspect of their topic with each group member's discipline, giving a transforming image; an approach that was purposeful and not from one field of study. Some people had off the wall topics, such as, specific famous people. Yet, they still took a deep understanding and presented new insight to the audience. The only negative part of one presentation was that they had inaccurate data. The group stated one thing, but their PowerPoint said another. I believe that my group did a good job with our presentation. We worked together and split up the work equally. We compromised and each presented good ideas. We took new insight on Art. We were able to connect the transformation of notions over time through Art; as well as, presenting several approaches (fields of study).

The Past Affects the Future-Wilkerson's Journey

It was an amazing experience to hear the thoughts of a historical recollection from the author of The Warmth of Other Suns. She spent 15 years gathering information, traveling in the footsteps of many migrates and interviewing hundreds of them. Her dedication to inform the nation of the most unaccredited movement was inspiring. She realized that without the people of the South having the courage to move, many people would not be here today. Several famous people that had impacted the world would not have existed if their parents from two different southern states did not migrate North and meet. This insight was intriguing because I am a product of the Great Migration. My great-grandmother moved to Cleveland from the South which was one of the major states migrates moved to. It was interesting how Isabel Wilkerson took the journey one of the characters in the book did, just for the experience. I felt honored to get the opportunity for her to sign my book. Even though Warmth of Other Suns was 500 plus pages, every page was like a penetration of our personal history.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Self-Reflection Post

I would say my first time experience in freshman seminar was like a rollercoaster, in which it had its ups and downs. During the first class, I felt extremely uncertain of what this class had to offer. After hearing Dr. Carr’s lecture, I knew this class would be an enriching one. My assumptions were not far off, lecture after lecture I felt more motivated to perform at my absolute best at this University. Aside from the lectures, this class did get tedious at times having to write blogs about every lecture. Writing the blogs would have to be the worst part about this class. However, the lectures themselves are quite the opposite. Hearing successful African Americans speak to us about compelling concepts, the importance of our education and what it means for the future sets an amazing example for something I strive to be. Coming out of this seminar made me realize that I want to augment my education 10 fold and change the African American Human Condition for the better.