Monday, November 28, 2011

The Past Affects the Future-Wilkerson's Journey

It was an amazing experience to hear the thoughts of a historical recollection from the author of The Warmth of Other Suns. She spent 15 years gathering information, traveling in the footsteps of many migrates and interviewing hundreds of them. Her dedication to inform the nation of the most unaccredited movement was inspiring. She realized that without the people of the South having the courage to move, many people would not be here today. Several famous people that had impacted the world would not have existed if their parents from two different southern states did not migrate North and meet. This insight was intriguing because I am a product of the Great Migration. My great-grandmother moved to Cleveland from the South which was one of the major states migrates moved to. It was interesting how Isabel Wilkerson took the journey one of the characters in the book did, just for the experience. I felt honored to get the opportunity for her to sign my book. Even though Warmth of Other Suns was 500 plus pages, every page was like a penetration of our personal history.

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