Monday, November 28, 2011

Presentation Evaluation

In my cohort were group numbers 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15. The Presentation day for all of us was split up into two days. Group 11 and group 12 presented on the 9th. Groups 13, 14 and 15 presented on the 16th. Group 11 went up first and I do not remember what they presented on. After group 11, group 12 went up to present their project. All I remember was that their project was about Michael Jackson and music. Up next was our group, number 13, entitled JUST DO IT! Our research question was How Art has contributed to the Notions of the African-American human condition? I felt as though our group’s presentation went smoothly and everyone did a great job evaluating their slides.  Afterwards, Groups 114 and 15 went up to present. Unfortunately, I do not remember what they presented on either. Even though I don’t remember the content in their presentation, I do know that everyone presented effectively and precisely. No one in our cohort seemed extremely nervous or distraught, and there were no difficulties what so ever.

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