Saturday, November 26, 2011

Self-Reflection Post

I would say my first time experience in freshman seminar was like a rollercoaster, in which it had its ups and downs. During the first class, I felt extremely uncertain of what this class had to offer. After hearing Dr. Carr’s lecture, I knew this class would be an enriching one. My assumptions were not far off, lecture after lecture I felt more motivated to perform at my absolute best at this University. Aside from the lectures, this class did get tedious at times having to write blogs about every lecture. Writing the blogs would have to be the worst part about this class. However, the lectures themselves are quite the opposite. Hearing successful African Americans speak to us about compelling concepts, the importance of our education and what it means for the future sets an amazing example for something I strive to be. Coming out of this seminar made me realize that I want to augment my education 10 fold and change the African American Human Condition for the better.   

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