Sunday, October 9, 2011

Changing Misconception

This weeks lecture by Dr. Fenwick opened my eyes to many misconceptions that we as African Americans subject ourselves to. She had use take a pop quiz before she started lecturing that had to do with positions held by African Americans in education. As we went over it after I saw that a lot of people had the misconception that blacks had a greater role than they really did. I found this very interesting. Dr. Fenwick explained that people often had these misconceptions because they were told this misinformation by other groups and just took it to be true. Dr. Fenwick said that we must question these conceptions and just take them to be true. She gave an example of wen she was at a conference and it was said that black males naturally just do not test well. She didn't just take this as the true but questioned it and did research of her own and found that this wasn't true at all. What i found most interesting about this story that she told the class was that nobody had questioned the information that was presented that said that blacks don't test well, but as soon as Dr. Fenwick discovered information that proved this information false they immediately questioned it and what resources she got this information from. This is how we should question everything. This lecture defiantly encouraged me to look critically at all the information that is presented to me and that has been  presented to me.

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