Sunday, October 23, 2011

Homecoming at the Real HU!

Homecoming at Howard has gained so much reputation that all you have to say is "HU Homecoming" and people are swarming toward D.C. This was my first Howard Homecoming and it was an amazing experience and the most fun I had in a while. My Homecoming events started with the Yardfest. It seemed overnight that the Yard was transformed into a festival-like atmosphere. There was tent after tent filled with food or items for purchase. The atmosphere was filled with students and people out of town, all there to take part this year's legendary experience. I had a wonderful time at the Yardfest concert with Jeezy and Wale. I was so surprised to be able to be in the front row to see them! Thinking about how big the events were, I realized how much work the Homecoming Committee had to do. Kudos to the Homecoming Committee! I was so glad that my sister, who is an alumni, also came to the legendary homecoming this year. I had a blast walking around the Yard wit her. That evening I attended the R&B show, which was a huge success. People were bound to have a good time with artists like, Tyrese, Monica, Joe and Avant. I was brought to my feet several times during the performance. Many celebrities were honored to perform or participate in Howard's Homecoming. For example, Free, who hosted the R&B show, said that she turned down an invite for another school's homecoming to be the host at the Real HU. Howard equals Prestige. On Saturday was the homecoming parade. I got up bright and early to help with the parade. The parade went smoothly and I was happy to be able to help out with it. That evening, the step show was on the list. I walked in and the place was live. Everyone was excited to the what the Greeks have been practicing for months. All I can say is this stunning experience is one that I will never forget!

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