Sunday, October 9, 2011


The African Burial Grounds was an amazing experience. I’ve been to New York several times and didn’t even realize that the Burial Grounds were there. It showed respect for our culture and our ancestors. I enjoyed the ceremony that Dr. Carr performed in respect for the ancestors and all the remains that were found in New York. I loved the museum because it was hands-on and you could take pictures. It made the experience more personal, not having to worry about touching anything. It was amazing how many found remains were able to be recognized by gender and age. It was a lot of things that stuck out to me inside the memorial: the wall of laws that affected Africans in New York; a barrel that weighed the amount many Africans had to lift working at the docks; and a scene of an African burial. The wall of Remembrance was a sight to see and enlightened me about the Burial Grounds that I had never learned about. Around the circle of Diaspora are sings, symbols and images that represent different African cultures. It was nice to see the diversity and brought me to a closer understanding of my ancestors. I would like to go back with my family one day to the African Burial Grounds.

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