Saturday, October 1, 2011

Howard Legacy

"You're apart of a great legacy here at Howard University." I've heard this statement ever since I started freshmen seminar but I never gave it much consideration until I listened to Dr. Thornton's lecture. He spoke about Howard in the past and how it has always been an institution where the students made there voice heard and used the education that they received here at Howard to better their communities and the people around them.
Dr. Thornton said something that really interest me. It was very profound. He said that we must constantly work to progress our world and our community or it will go right back to the way it was. I believe this is true because as African Americans we have had to work for the rights that we have and are constantly working to make sure we receieve the equality that we are rightfully intitled to. He also said that if we don't ask anything of our community then it won't produce anything. This to me means that it is our responsibility to ask the important questions and to search for the answers to those questions. This is very important because things will only be what we ask them to be so we should ask for the best for our community.

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